Terms & Conditions
and GTCU

This document constitutes the general terms and conditions of use (the " GTCU ") on our website, which can be accessed at the following address https://chezbrens.com/ (the « Website »).The Website is the property of MADAME BRITTA OSTENDORF. It is provided for your information. By visiting our Site, you accept these Terms and Conditions of Use, and you acknowledge that you have read our Terms and Conditions of Use. Privacy policy available at HERE ainsi que notre Notice relating to cookies available at HERE.


1.1 Website publisher

Corporate form : Sole trader
Activity: Tourist accommodation and other short-stay accommodation (5520Z)
Head office: 54 avenue de la plage, 33470 Gujan-Mestras - FRANCE
RCS number: Bordeaux A 915 090 559
VAT number : FR96915090559

1.2 Editorial management, publication and legal representative

Miss Britta Ostendorf, Managing Director of MADAME BRITTA OSTENDORF

1.3 Creation and management of the Website

Web master, design, artistic direction: Mydeesign – www.mydee.fr

1.4. Website hosting

Corporate form : Limited company
Siège sociale : siège social : 4416 Louis-B.-Mayer, Laval, Québec, Canada H7P 0G1
To contact a PlanetHoster sales representative, please click here. HERE.

1.5. Photo credits
Coralie Terrée – www.coralieterree.fr

2. How to contact us

By phone : +33 (0)6 85 49 27 71
By email : coucou@chezbrens.com
By post : 54 avenue de la plage, 33470 Gujan-Mestras – FRANCE
On our website : https://chezbrens.com/contact

3. Conditions of use of the Website

This section constitutes the Site's Terms and Conditions of Use. Its purpose is to define the terms and conditions of use of the Site by the user. Users of the Site are deemed to be aware of and to comply with the GTCU.

3.1. Droit d’auteur et droit des marques

The Site constitutes an intellectual work within the meaning of the applicable provisions of the French Intellectual Property Code. The presentation and each of the elements of the Website, including the domain name, brands, logos, signs, drawings, illustrations, photographs, texts, graphics and other files appearing on the Website, are protected by current French and international legislation on intellectual property, and belong to CHEZ BRENS - MAISON D'HÔTES or are the subject of an authorisation for use.

As the author of this original creation, we therefore benefit from the protection and rights reserved by law.

Downloaded elements such as software, files, illustrations, data or any other content are the property of CHEZ BRENS - MAISON D'HÔTES. The photographs, texts, slogans, drawings, images, animated sequences with or without sound, as well as all works integrated into the Website are the property of CHEZ BRENS - MAISON D'HÔTES or third parties who have authorised CHEZ BRENS - MAISON D'HÔTES to use them. All trademarks and trade names used on the Website are registered trademarks or correspond to a distinctive sign belonging to our company or to our partners, who have granted us the right to use these trademarks and trade names as well as the necessary licence for this purpose.

No element of the site www.chezbrens.com may not be copied, reproduced, modified, republished, loaded, distorted, transmitted or distributed in any way whatsoever, on any medium whatsoever, in whole or in part, without the prior written authorisation of CHEZ BRENS - MAISON D'HÔTES, with the exception of use strictly for personal, private and non-commercial use without modification of the elements present on the site. Any reproduction, representation, distribution, use or modification, by any process whatsoever and on any medium whatsoever, and more generally any use made for commercial purposes or any other purpose of all or part of the Site or any of the logos and/or trademarks is strictly prohibited and constitutes an infringement liable to incur the liability of its author. This prohibition applies regardless of the method of reproduction, representation and/or modification, and regardless of its duration.

Any creation of links to the Site, any framing of the Site, and more generally any use of an element making up the Site, is subject to the prior and express authorisation of CHEZ BRENS - MAISON D'HÔTES, which may be revoked at any time at its sole discretion. We reserve the right to (i) request the removal of any link to the Website that has not been, or is no longer, authorised and (ii) claim damages as compensation for any loss suffered as a result.

La mention suivante doit notamment apparaître sur toute copie autorisée de tout ou partie du contenu du site : « ©Copyright CHEZ BRENS – MAISON D’HÔTES. Les photographies figurant sur le site www.chezbrens.com ne sont pas contractuelles. » 
Any other use of the site that is not expressly authorised www.chezbrens.com or its elements would constitute an infringement of the rights of CHEZ BRENS - MAISON D'HÔTES punishable by articles L 355-2 and following of the Intellectual Property Code.

3.2. Droits de CHEZ BRENS – MAISON D’HÔTES en sa qualité de producteur de base de données

All customers, prospects and partners have a personal, non-exclusive, non-transferable right to consult the information contained on the Site for their own hotel reservation purposes.

The User is authorised to extract and/or re-utilise part of the content of the Site for personal consultation purposes, provided that such extraction and/or re-utilisation does not relate to a qualitatively or quantitatively substantial part of the content of the Site. In addition, the repeated extraction and/or re-use of content, even of a non-substantial nature, is also prohibited.

Any reproduction of all or part of the Site for any other purpose is expressly prohibited by articles L.342-1 and L.342.2 of the French Intellectual Property Code. The communication to the public of all or part of the content of the Site, in any form and to any audience whatsoever, is also prohibited.

In particular, the use of the content of this site for commercial purposes is expressly prohibited.

3.3. Conditions d’utilisation du Site

The Website is made available to users for their personal, non-commercial use.

Any display, downloading or printing of parts of the documents contained on the Website must be intended for your strictly personal and non-commercial use.  

3.4. Disponibilité du Site

We make every effort to ensure that the Site operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

However, we cannot guarantee or affirm that the functions contained on the Site will function without interruption or without error. Consequently, we decline all responsibility, in particular in the event of the occurrence of bugs, errors, interruptions or maintenance operations on the Site leading to a temporary interruption.

3.5. Avis relatif à la sécurité

CHEZ BRENS - MAISON D'HÔTES does not guarantee that the servers hosting the Website are free of viruses or other harmful elements, or that a technical problem may occur that could damage the components of the user's computer or mobile device (telephone or tablet) or data that may be stored there as a result of using the Website. In any event, neither CHEZ BRENS - MAISON D'HÔTES nor its subcontractors may be held liable for any damage whatsoever that may occur when a user connects to the Website.

Furthermore, you are expressly reminded that the Internet is not a secure network and that Internet access may present security problems. We cannot guarantee absolute protection against intrusion or illegal eavesdropping. Under these conditions, it is your responsibility to take all appropriate measures to protect your own data from contamination by any viruses or the intrusion of a third party into the system of your terminal, and to make backups on your terminal before and after using the Site.

You also acknowledge that you are fully aware of the unreliability of the Internet, particularly in terms of the lack of security in the transmission of data and the fact that there is no guarantee of performance in terms of the volume and speed of data transmission. We do not guarantee that the Site is free from errors, viruses or other harmful elements. You are therefore advised not to transmit via the Internet messages, files or data of any kind whose confidentiality you would like to be guaranteed beyond all doubt.

3.6. Liens externes sur le Site

The various sections of the Site may contain links to other websites or Internet sources. We have no control over these sites or sources.

We accept no responsibility for the availability of these sites or sources, their content, advertising, products or services, or for any other information or data available on or from these external sites or sources.

Furthermore, we cannot be held liable for any damage or loss, whether actual or alleged, arising from or in connection with the use of or reliance on the content, goods or services available on these external sites or sources.

In the event that you provide information to a website to which we link, we cannot be held responsible for the protection and respect of privacy by that website. We invite you to exercise caution at all times before providing information to websites, and to read their full privacy and personal data protection policies.

3.7. Comportement des utilisateurs sur le Site

Each user of the Site must use the Internet responsibly, with respect and courtesy towards the rights of other Internet users.

Any use of the Site by a user for commercial or personal purposes (other than in the context of personal activities), or for recreational purposes (multimedia "network" game or other) is prohibited.  Under no circumstances may you provide access to the Site on a commercial or non-commercial basis, paid or unpaid.

All users are legally responsible for their use of the Website.

Recognising the global nature of the Internet network, each user undertakes to comply with all local and international rules and procedures relating to online behaviour and acceptable content and in particular all laws in force concerning the transmission of technical data. They undertake to comply with the rules of computer ethics and, in particular, all users accessing the Site must refrain from: 

– d’utiliser le Site de manière frauduleuse, abusive, ou excessive ;

– de consulter des sites à caractère raciste, pédophile ou incitant à la haine et à la violence ;

– de commettre délits et/ou actes de piratage portant atteinte aux droits d’autrui et à la sécurité des personnes ;

– d’effectuer intentionnellement des opérations qui pourraient avoir pour conséquences de masquer sa véritable identité, de s’approprier le mot de passe d’un autre utilisateur, d’altérer, de modifier des données ou d’accéder à des informations appartenant à d’autres utilisateurs du réseau, d’interrompre ou de perturber le fonctionnement normal du réseau ou d’un des systèmes connectés au réseau, de modifier ou de détruire des informations sur un des systèmes ;

– upload to the Site or its terminal, post, e-mail or transmit by any other means any content that is unlawful, harmful, threatening, abusive, harassing, tortious, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, immoral, invasive of a person's privacy, including image rights, hateful or objectionable or racially, ethnically or otherwise objectionable;

– de télécharger vers le Site ou son terminal, afficher, envoyer par courrier électronique ou transmettre par tout autre moyen des éléments publicitaires ou promotionnels non sollicités ou non autorisés, des « imprimés publicitaires », des « informations mensongères », des « chaînes de lettres », du publipostage « sauvage » (spams, junk e-mails, …), ou toute autre forme de sollicitation ;

– upload to the Site or its terminal, post, email or otherwise transmit any material that is unlawful or that contains software viruses or other computer code, files or programs designed to interrupt, destroy or limit the functionality of any computer software or hardware or telecommunications equipment;

– disrupt or interrupt the Website, or the servers or networks connected to the Site, or infringe the requirements, procedures, rules or regulations of the networks connected to the Website ;

 attempting to interfere with the service of any user, host or network, including, but not limited to, exposing the Site to a virus, overloading, flooding the server, overloading the e-mail system or forging any TCP/IP packet header information or any part of the header information in any e-mail ;

 access data not intended for the user or enter a server or account to which the user is not authorised to have access ;

 attempting to probe, scan or test the vulnerability of a system or network, or to breach security or authentication measures without authorisation ;

 impersonate another person ;

 de mener une activité ou inciter une tierce personne à mener une activité illégale ou toute autre activité qui porterait atteinte aux droits de CHEZ BRENS – MAISON D’HÔTES, de ses fournisseurs, partenaires, distributeurs, de ses annonceurs ou de tout autre utilisateur ;

 transmit or transfer (by any means whatsoever) information or software derived from the Site, in particular to other countries or to certain foreign nationals in violation of a national or international law or regulation.

 At any time and for any reason whatsoever, we may implement any means enabling us to suspend or terminate, without prior notice, a user's use of the Site or any of our services as a result of conduct in breach of these GTC, without prejudice to any damages that we reserve the right to claim from the user concerned in the event of non-compliance with the GTCU.

We inform you that the Internet is a network that carries data that may be protected by intellectual, literary, artistic or photographic property rights or that may infringe the legal provisions in force. You therefore undertake not to transmit on the Internet any data that is prohibited, illicit, illegal, contrary to public decency or public order and that infringes, or is likely to infringe, the rights of third parties, and in particular intellectual, literary, artistic or photographic property rights. You are solely responsible for any direct or indirect prejudice, material or immaterial, caused to any company in our group and/or to third parties as a result of your use of the Site.

We cannot be held liable for any malfunction or interruption of activity on your terminal resulting from the use of the Site. Nor shall we be liable for any costs or damages incurred as a result of using the Website.

3.8. Surveillance du Site

We reserve the right, at our discretion, to delete any message and to prevent any operation by any user likely to disrupt the proper functioning of the network or who does not comply with the legal, ethical and deontological rules of operation.

At the request of the public and/or judicial authorities, we may also carry out checks within the limits authorised by law.

3.9. Modification ou suspension du Site.

We reserve the right, at our discretion, to modify or interrupt the Site, temporarily or permanently, without any time constraints and without any obligation to notify you.

4. Respect for privacy and personal data

The information communicated by the user when using the Website may constitute personal data. The collection and processing of this personal data is governed by our Privacy Policy. personal data protection policy available at HERE, which forms an integral part of these GTCU.

By using the Site, users agree that we may collect personal data about them, in particular in order to provide them with access to the Website, improve and optimise its quality, send them information about our services and news, and carry out statistical studies and analyses.

Users are invited to consult our personal data protection policy available at HERE which describes how CHEZ BRENS - MAISON D'HÔTES, in its capacity as data controller, collects, uses, protects and shares the personal data of its contacts, as well as the rights that users have with regard to their personal data.

The user is informed and expressly acknowledges that there are security, confidentiality and privacy risks inherent in the use of the Site. The user assumes full responsibility in this respect and accepts that we give no assurance or guarantee in relation to such risks.

5. Cookies

Use of the Website may generate "trace files", i.e. small text files that may be saved in a dedicated space on the hard disk of your terminal (computer, smartphone, tablet, etc.), and which may be used by websites to improve the user experience, with the exception of any data relating to the content of correspondence exchanged or information consulted.

Use of the Site is not entirely anonymous. Pursuant to Decree no. 2006-358 of 24 March 2006 on the retention of electronic communications data, traffic data must be retained for one (1) year from the date of recording. Furthermore, in the context of legal proceedings, these files must be made available to the courts « for the purposes of investigating, recording and prosecuting criminal offences ». An extract from these files will then be linked to the extract from the database of the users concerned. Other data collected, such as subscription information, is deleted regularly when it is no longer required. Depending on changes in legislation, other information may be archived. Users will be notified immediately.

Users are invited to consult our cookie policy available at HERE to find out more about these log files and how to set them up.

6. Applicable law

These GTCU are governed by French law, irrespective of any conflicting legal provisions. The French courts shall have exclusive jurisdiction over any dispute relating to these GTCU and the Site.

In the event that one of the clauses of these GTCU becomes null and void as a result of a change in legislation or regulations or by a court ruling, this will in no way affect the validity of or compliance with the other clauses of the GTCU. 

7. Updating the GTCU

We may, at our sole discretion, amend these GTCU. Modifications will be applicable and effective from the date of their publication. By continuing to use the Website after changes have been published, you agree to comply with them. We invite you to consult the GTCU regularly in order to be informed of any changes. The most recent version of our GTCU remains permanently available on the Website.

8. Additional information


This link leads to machine-readable files that are made available under the federal Transparency in Coverage Rule and include negotiated service rates and out-of-network allowed amounts between health plans and health care providers. The machine-readable files are formatted to make it easier for researchers, regulators and application developers to access and analyse the data.
